Blockreign Capital

One-stop gateway

to crypto space

About us

Blockreign Capital is a digital asset management and advisory firm.

We are primarily focused on digital assets, cryptocurrencies, blockchain technology and innovations. We act as your guide to private investments across the digital assets industry.

Our founding partners are highly talented investment professionals, IT entrepreneurs and scientists with decades of experience.

We have a rare combination of experience in traditional and crypto asset management. Our institutional-grade funds provide investors with a wide range of risk tolerance strategies, including a market-neutral income strategy and market-driven return/staking strategies.


blockreign capital location Cayman

Cayman Islands

Hermes Corporate Services  
Zephyr House, 122 Mary Street,
George Town, P.O. Box 31493
Grand Cayman, KY1-1206
Cayman Islands

blockreign capital location luxmburg


68 Avenue de la Liberte
L-1930, Luxembourg

blockreign capital location Dubai


Coming soon

blockreign capital location Paris


Coming soon

blockreign capital office